I can understand why it is so underrated and frequnetly overlooked. It is a meal that gains appreciation over time. This conclusion came to me only since i joined the work force.
Lunch serves mutiple purpose beyond just stuffing your face with food.
- It serves as the natural break in the middle of your work day
- It provides a widely accepted reason for the daze you are in for the 30 minutes after lunch (i.e. Food coma)
- It provides a reasonable exit strategy to avoid important meetings (sorry, i cant make that meeting. I'm having lunch with someone outside the office).
While people always talk about the water cooler talk, i think the lunch table talk has more substance behind it. How in depth can you really get at the water cooler? Lunch is an hour of time to talk about whatever. At the water cooler, you only have a tiny dixie cup or one of those cones to fill up. That can't be more than 5 ounces of water. SIDENOTE: Why the Cone? Never understood that... I have only seen ut work at The Apple Pan
If someone was doing an efficiency study, priority #1 would be the water cooler. Why are the cups soooo small? Don't you think they would provide at a minimum 12 ounce cups which will quench the thirst but not result in frequent refills???
Just a thought...
dude these are great! Love 'em and keep it up...